Trademark Service

Trademark Process


Individual Proprietorship Partnership Company Limited Liability Partnership Hindu Undivided Family
Aadhar Card or; Proprietor PAN Card PAN Card of Partnership Firm PAN Card or PAN Card or HUF Pan Card
Pan Card or; Shop Act License or; Partnership Deed Certificate of Company Incorporation Certificate of Limited Liability Partnership MSME
Voter ID or; GST Certificate GST Certificate PAN Card of all the Directors PAN Card of all the Directors  
Driving License or;   PAN Card of all Partners      

Advantages of Trademark

Legal Protection : You become the legal owner of the registered trademark and no another person has the right to use your registered trademark without your prior permission. The registered trademark holder can take legal action against anyone who tries to copy the trademark without any prior permission.

Business Opportunity : A trademark is an intangible asset that can be enormously valuable, should your brand succeed. Businesses can earn huge money in royalties through licensing agreements or even transfer ownership to interested parties through assignment agreements.

Unique Identity : One of the best qualities of trademark registration is that it helps you to establish a unique identity of your company. And no other competitor can apply or use your trademark for similar goods or services.

Trust or Goodwill : As registered trademark brings the uniqueness to your product, it can easily create a sense of trust, goodwill and quality in the minds of your customer.

Popularize your brand : Registered trademark is easily searchable as it is available in government trademark database. It also helps you to get popular among people which are a great sign for your company.